We are not Amazon.
We follow a “slow business” model.
We source locally whenever possible.
We strive for a balance between people, planet, and prosperity.
Our inventory is carefully curated.
If you don’t see what you want, we’re happy to order it for you.
Most special orders will take 3 to 5 days to fill.
Good things are worth waiting for.
We welcome your pre-loved books.
We believe in maximizing the life of every book and we gratefully accept your pre-loved books (check our “Book Donations” page for information and updates).
We offer store credit as a thank you for your donation.
Unsellable books are responsibly donated, used for crafts, and/or offered to local artists to produce handmade paper.
We stand for minimal waste and maximum delight.
We offer complimentary hot and cold water for anyone with a personal beverage container. We also have complimentary tea and hot chocolate.
Our WiFi is free; please use it wisely.
We ask you to be considerate of others.
Thank you for reading. Enjoy our space!